What’s going on in Catalonia?

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Catalan people will vote on independence next 27 September using the regular Autonomous Community elections. Unlike the cases of the UK with Scotland, or Canada with Quebec, the Spanish Government does not allow Catalonia to vote this issue in a referendum.

You may have some questions like: Why does Catalonia wants to become an independent country? What's the support for independence? Is it economically feasible?... Let's answer these questions with real figures.

1. What is the support for independence? How has it evolved in recent years?

Source: Centre d’Estudis d’Opinió (CEO) - Baròmetre d'Opinió Política (BOP). 1a onada 2015 - REO 774 - http://ceo.gencat.cat/ceop/AppJava/loadFile?fileId=23355&fileType=1 - Page 54. Question 30.

2. How does Catalan GDP per inhabitant compare with that of Spain or Europe?

Source: Eurostat and Google Public Data - GDP in Euro per inhabitant (EU ES CAT)

Source: Eurostat and Google Public Data - GDP in Euro per inhabitant (Spanish regions)

* GDP per capita of Spain without Catalonia calculated from the average of GDP per capita of the Spanish Autonomous Communities without Catalonia.

Source: Eurostat - EU Regional GDP by NUTS 2 regions - million EUR (2011)

Source: Eurostat - EU Regional GDP by NUTS 2 regions - million EUR (2011)

3. How much tax do Catalans pay to the Spanish Government and how much money does the Spanish Government return to Catalonia?

Source: Generalitat de Catalunya (Department of Economy and Knowledge). Document March 2012: Resultats de la balança fiscal de Catalunya amb el sector públic central 2006-2009. Page 58. Section 4.2: Balança fiscal de Catalunya amb el sector públic central 2006-2009. Neutralitzat pel cicle econòmic. Flux monetari.

4. Which countries have achieved independence in the last 200 years?

Source: http://ca.wikipedia.org/../Dia_de_la_independencia and http://es.wikipedia.org/../Independencia

5. How many people use the Catalan and Spanish airports?

Source: Aena - Annual statistical reports